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  • Alex Scribner

Feeding Alfalfa to Unlock Performance Potential in Your Horse

When it comes to supporting the optimal performance and health of your equine companion, nutrition plays a vital role. Among the many feed options available, one ingredient stands out for its remarkable benefits: alfalfa. Known for its high nutritional value and exceptional qualities, alfalfa has become a staple in the diets of performance horses worldwide. In this blog, we will explore the numerous advantages of including alfalfa in the feeding regimen of performance horses.

Rich in Essential Nutrients

Alfalfa is often referred to as a "superfood" for horses due to its impressive nutrient profile. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, providing essential amino acids necessary for muscle development, repair, and overall growth. The crude protein concentration in alfalfa will usually exceed 14% on a dry matter basis.


For performance horses engaged in demanding activities such as racing, jumping, or eventing, maintaining optimal energy levels is crucial. Alfalfa boasts a high energy content, making it an ideal feed choice for horses requiring increased caloric intake. By incorporating alfalfa into the diet, horses receive a reliable source of sustained energy, helping to fuel their performance.

Enhanced Muscle Health and Recovery

The protein content in alfalfa promotes the development and maintenance of lean muscle mass in performance horses. The amino acids found in alfalfa aid in muscle repair and recovery after strenuous exercise, helping to minimize the risk of muscle fatigue and injury. This benefit is particularly important for horses involved in intense training or competition, as it contributes to improved overall performance and helps prevent muscle-related issues.

Improved Digestive Health

Alfalfa's unique fiber profile plays a significant role in promoting digestive health in horses. Its high-quality fiber content aids in maintaining healthy gut flora and encourages efficient digestion. The fibrous nature of alfalfa also supports optimal hindgut fermentation, possibly reducing the risk of digestive disorders such as colic and gastric ulcers. A healthy digestive system leads to better nutrient absorption, resulting in improved overall health and performance.

Excellent Source of Calcium

Calcium is an essential mineral for horses, particularly for bone development, strength, and overall skeletal health. Alfalfa is renowned for its naturally high calcium content, providing horses with the necessary building blocks for strong bones and joints. This benefit is especially valuable for young, growing horses and those involved in high-impact disciplines such as jumping and dressage. Also, the higher calcium content in alfalfa acts as a buffer in the stomach and has been shown to reduce the incidence of ulcer development and severity.

The inclusion of alfalfa in the diet of performance horses offers a multitude of benefits that directly contribute to their overall well-being and performance. From its rich nutrient profile to its positive impact on muscle health and digestion, alfalfa is an excellent choice for equine athletes. However, it's essential to work with a qualified equine nutritionist, equine nutrition consultant, or veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount and balance of alfalfa in your horse's diet based on their specific needs and workload. By harnessing the power of alfalfa, you can help unlock the true potential of your performance horse and pave the way for success in the arena.

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